14.08.2017 | In Focus

Work the price!

Are end customers willing to pay more for quality? Various companies from Japan reported on the acceptance of our dead-blow mallets with copper heads.

Dead-blow mallets with copper heads have long been in great demand with end customers in Japan. In the present example, they are mainly used for aligning workpieces during milling processes. In order not to damage workpieces made of steel, they must not be struck with steel mallets.


The results are impressive

Until now, end customers mainly used lower-priced copper mallets from other manufacturers. The mallet heads could not be replaced. In testing procedures, users convinced themselves of the advantages of PB Swiss Tools innovations: «The processing of the workpieces is simpler and more efficient. In a shorter period of time, significantly more workpieces can be processed very precisely and with high quality», say the users.


The added value is worth it

The dead-blow copper head mallet with the fiberglass handle (Item No. PB 308 Cu) is the most popular product at Horiuchi Kikai because of its durability and precision. Experience teaches us that «by using it, the exact and gentle transmission of force takes place without fail. This leads to lower failure rates and better results».

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